Montanans Are Paying the Price of the Trade War with China

In traveling throughout Montana as a U.S. Senate candidate, I can attest that our farmers, ranchers, small businesses, and everyday consumers are being hurt by the poorly conceived trade war with China.  Companies have gone bankrupt, grain is being dumped on the ground outside of bins, train cars are sitting idle on railroad tracks, and markets for Montana products, which took years, if not decades, to develop, are being lost.

In lieu of leadership, U.S. Senator Steve Daines, the incumbent, has been feckless, worsening Montana’s vulnerable position. 

As the only U.S. Senate candidate, of either party, who is self-made in business, who lives in rural Montana, with agricultural experience, who has an MBA with a focus in Economics from a leading B-School, who has taught on an underserved Montana Indian reservation, who has honorably served his country in uniform in a combat zone, I understand the issues and will champion the best interests and values of Montana and our country. 

Specifically, in the context of the trade war and China, here’s how I’ll do better than the incumbent senator, I will:     

  • Always be honest with you – that’s what my Montana upbringing and the U.S. Naval Academy taught me – and I won’t abdicate my constitutional responsibilities as a U.S. Senator.  I won’t be afraid to speak truth to power when the best interests of Montana’s farmers, ranchers, and small businesses have been put at risk by an erratic, Executive Branch-driven trade war with China.


  • Stand up to the Executive Branch’s bullying of our historic allies – those on whom we depend to stand up to China (and Russia), whom have supplied troops and incurred casualties in our wars, and whose intelligence is critical to thwarting another major terrorist attack on U.S. soil.  While no alliance is perfect, I will not allow the perfect to stand in the way of the good, especially when China and Russia, and their proxies, present so many existential threats to America. 


  • Not favor Chinese investors at the expense of American taxpayers.  Because of Senator Daines’ vote on the tax bill, trillions of dollars have been added to the federal debt, payable by current and future American generations.  That debt did nothing to build up America; no return on investment can be identified. Moreover, a material percentage of the money has already found its way into the pockets of foreign investors, including the Saudis and Chinese, with massive stakes in U.S. securities, artificially propped up by the corporate tax cut, stock buy-backs, and dividend yield increases. 


  • Embrace the high-quality Montana jobs that a commitment to renewable energy can create, given Montana’s transformative wind, geothermal, hydroelectric, fuel cell, biofuel, and even solar potential.  When President Trump, backed by Senator Daines, called climate change “a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese”, the Chinese, frankly, celebrated. At present, China is a global leader in renewable energy, taking away American market share and jobs.


  • Strive for an optimized relationship with our trading partners.  Specific to China, I will take into holistic consideration the many variables in play:  trade, current account, livable wage jobs, investment, relative currency strength, environmental impact, military footprint, market openness, worker safety, intellectual property, cyber-warfare, and liberty.  I also won’t hesitate to hold China, or any other trading partner, accountable, but within a framework that protects Montana families and defends American interests.     

In the meantime, opening and protecting – and, now, restoring – markets for Montana goods and services will be a leading priority of mine as your next U.S. Senator.